Using Trac

What is Trac and what’s in it for me?

Support » Using Trac » What is Trac and what’s in it for me?

SlikSVN is sunsetting support for Trac as per jan 1, 2025. Although we will continue to include Trac in Medium and Large plans, it may not function as intended.

Open source project management and bug tracking

Trac is an open source tool that allows you to easily manage your project. The software, originally inspired by CVSTrac, is Web-based and provides a bug tracking system to its users. The Trac software used to be named svntrac because of its ability to integrate with Subversion.

Benefits of using Trac

With Trac you can easily structure and track your project using team members, tickets, timelines, and useful overviews. Projects can benefit greatly from these features and its integration with Subversion can be an added bonus in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Using Trac with our Subversion hosting plans

If you are interested in using Trac for your software projects, we might be able to help you. We offer Trac as a service for both our Medium and Large Subversion hosting packages.